Poker Tips: Poker Tips to Increase Your Profits

Here I have made a list of poker tips you may want to consider trying to help increase your profits. You may find some of these poker tips useful or may already be doing them!

1: Fold more. You only want to be playing about 13% of hands preflop so if you are playing noticeably more than that then you are playing too loose and probably losing money. You also want to fold marginal hands because if you don't you will get yourself into tough decisions which will end up losing you money.

2: Wait for better spots: A lot of people think bluffing happens all the time in poker whereas in reality it doesn't. If you have a tough decision to make just fold and wait for a better spot to put your money in, you will get plenty of those.

3: Pick the correct table: If you sit down with a bunch of poker pro s odds are that you will probably lose a lot of money. Therefore before you sit down at a table you should observe it for about 15 mins first to get one up on everyone else and to see if the game is profitable. The looser the table is generally the more profitable it will be.

4: Study the game more: In your spare time study poker theory and talk to fellow poker players on how you can improve your game. You should also be analyzing your own game to eliminate any mistakes you are making.

Poker tips number 5: Be more aggressive. By being more aggressive you will take down more pots and get more value out of your hands. You can be more aggressive by semi bluffing draws and check raising opponents which bet a lot.

6: Don't tilt: If you get a suck out and it drives you mad turn the computer off, stop and come back the next day when you are feeling much better about yourself. By playing when you are on tilt you will make bad mistakes and lose a lot of money.

Poker tips number 7: Bluff more. If you don't get caught bluffing you probably aren't bluffing enough and if you always get caught bluffing you are bluffing too much. You should also be careful to who you are bluffing because they might just call with anything.

8: Play at a good site: It is important that you pick a good site to play on because you may be losing out on a lot of bonus offers and rake back deals.

9: Follow bankroll management: This is probably the most important one you should follow because if you do you will never go broke by playing too high a limit. Never buy in to a cash game for more than 5% of your bankroll and never buy in to a tournament for more than 2% of your bankroll. By following those rules you will not be risking your bankroll.

Final poker tips number 10: Always watch your opponents and adjust to them. Whenever you play you should be watching how all of your opponents play even when you aren't in a hand with them. By doing this you will be able to pick up any tells that they might have. If you play fewer tables you will also be able to pick up more information than by playing 10.
